Solamalai | Pinda Thailam 100ml
Solamalai | Pinda Thailam 100ml
Pinda Thailam is a herbal Ayurvedic oil that helps one to get rid of such muscular problems and treat it with the help of Ayurvedic ingredients. The herbal oil can be applied if an individual feels pain in the hand or leg movements. One can also apply the oil in case of a muscle pull of irritation in the movement of the arms. People suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis, and various similar issues should use this oil. Massaging the oil on the affected areas helps to loosen the stiff and tensed muscles and soothes the area. It also helps to lower the reddening of the skin due to stretch nerves.
Pinda Thailam is also a natural healer for burns, cuts, and wounds. One can apply the oil and massage it to get immediately healed from such circumstances. Therefore the oil has multiple uses and benefits. The oil is made up of herbal ingredients like Honey bee wax, Manjistha, Sesame oil, Sariva, and many such helpful ingredients. The oil is an Ayurvedic and healthy way to get rid of arthritis and its symptoms. It is suggested to massage the body with Pinda Thailam before bathing. Hence Pinda Thailam is a natural and herbal healer for muscle problems.